
Showing posts from August, 2023

Scouts 31st August

Hello Units!   I hope that you units who came along last weekend had a good time and have gotten' around to unpacking your bags, wait what - ahh that's what the smell is I hear you yell...   And if any of the boys happened to unpack a mysteriously un-used toiletry bag with stars on you don't recognise (OK let's be honest you'd barely recognize your own) a certain child of mine would be indifferent to its return, his parents however....   This week we had great plans to go spelunking into the dim and distant Scouting past but, with a last-minute cancellation by the Scout Heritage center those dreams are history, pun intended.   But not to be undaunted tonight will see the return of the Great 4th Kew Scouts Spit tournament, and for those who don't Spit (we're not all Llama's you yell) please feel free to bring alternative games; board, card or similar (PlayStation's need not apply).   Tonight, will also see the unveiling of the awar

Scouts 24th August

Units!!   If you're reading this now, put them phones down and get to bed!   Because tomorrow night we'll be heading out of the hall for a little light competitive creativity. That's right the semi regular 4th Kew Scout photography competition has come around again.   But wait I hear you ask, I don't have a camera that takes photos of anything other than duck faces! But wait I say  don't worry, all that snap catting practise might just pay off!   So we'll be meeting at the hall at 6:45...   Yes 6:45, so we've got time for more that one ISO12000 shot and to get the composition just right.   You'll need,   A Myki ( remember last time when the ticket inspectors got on the tram?!)   A phone/camera/hasselblad medium format super 50   A warm jacket   Perhaps some pocket money for tasty treats to feed your artistic muse.   We'll head to a suitably creative location filled with possibilities for your creative e

Help on Thursday 17th

Evening Units, and specifically their PA's.   Scouts have an emergency filled night planned for us so steel yourself for dealing with all sorts short of the zombie apocalypse!   It would be great if I could get some assistance please tomorrow night to keep the emergencies to the planned ones only.   Let me know if you can assist. Please.   And as a final reminder, the weekend of the 25th we'll be heading to Bay Park Station to camp/sleep in the trains and generally have some chilled out fun... If you've put your name down for the trip, Awesome, if you've not and want to, let me know. More details to follow for those who've signed up.   If you can help out please let me know. It will be fun and not under canvas so not too chilly.   Let me know if you can assist. please.   See you tomorrow,   Stuart