Scouts 12th September

Well Hallo There Units!
Some of you might be asking what on earth we're up tonight - that would indeed be a great question....
If you checked out the handy dandy Term planner, you'd note that, aside from not needing to bring your Mystery Machine, we were a little light on details.
Well never fear - in true Scouting fashion our fearless PL Jade has a plan, a bigly good plan which involves first aid... Not sure I like the sound of that. Nevertheless, she's reassured me that whilst the demonstrations will be convincing the paperwork that results will be minimal.
So tonight bring your best sense of drama, leave your panic and queasiness at home and come ready to learn something new and messy...
Oh and on the subject of messy we are having a dignitary attend tonight so please: uniform, off the floor and onto you, including your scarf, you know that black and green thing you last saw down the back of the bed. Let's at least look like we know what we're doing...
With regards to next week, the planner still stands but those pins wont. We'll be going bowling with lanes all booked in to legitimately keep the bowling trophy against our nemeses' 1st Canterbury... 
Details will follow shortly but best get your bench jockeying up to scratch, pack a few turkeys and we want no powder puffs - them pins aren't going to splash themselves you know!
See you tonight, Units!
First Responders
Dr ABCD, Jactinta, Jason, Will and Stuart


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