Term One Scout Planner, AJ2025 and Feb camp

Well hallo Units and their PAs,
I know you were just lamenting to all your friends how dull and boring your fridge looked without this term's handy-dandy term planner on it... Well fear no more, that dull shopping list with cat food and toilet roll but no maxi-pack of Magnums can now be easily obscured with all the cool-beans fun your good ole unit council and leaders have cooked up for you. Your planner is attached for your fridging pleasure.
But all this comes at a cost you know, no - not monetary, well not yet anyway, we need ACTION! Hard RSVPs that's the currency we want.
Dates are bearing down on us like a freight train of commitment screaming along the greased wheels of inevitably - oh old man time - give it a break why don't you....
First up - Bay Park Camp on the 23rd to the 25th. This is the camp to start all camps - the camp for you! What's that you say? You've just started linking and don't even know which end of a scout goes in the ground first - come on in the Scouting's Fine!
All Scouts and Cubs who are linking (or will be this term or next) are welcome to come (and thank Audrey for getting it all going). The weekend will be under a roof - hopefully a train roof, if not another so it will be easy breezy just hanging out - think heading to the beach, ice cream, think unlimited archery, bush golf, zip line, canoeing in the billabong, tasty food, inappropriate snacks, minimal to no dishes and an opportunity to scheme some scouting schemes, meet new scouts and make and catch up with friends you've not seen all holidays. Oh and rest your tired little academic heads from your busy school year (unless you want to be like two of the prior Bay Park camp attendees who brought their homework).
Get me those RSVPs toot suit por flavor... ARE YOU WITH US!?
And next up
STRADBROKE @ Bayside 8th to 11th March
Yep, that mix of low supervision tent-based fun, competitive camping and worrying if you've got the right number and type of buckets, oh and with a carnival and cool activities thrown in. We need patrols, send me your deets ASAP so I can lock your patrol in and put a deposit on the annual Chinese export output of buckets.
And next up - I know its relentless
Thanks to all those who came to last week's info session and tried understanding my accent. As success levels were likely low I've attached, as promised (but you didn't pick that up) the official FAQ for AJ2025.
For those who would like to hear the details and all about AJ from someone more intelligible there is also a district launch night from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Thursday, 29 February 2024 at BDSAC, Fordham Avenue and Shalless Drive, Camberwell where you can ask lots of questions and get sensible answers (I hope)...
BUT before you do that - SIGN UP to AJ2025: Just this one little link
is your passport to 12 days fun you'll never forget (with or without professional help)...
There'll also be other fun coming up so keep your google translate page ready.
Oh, and in one last more mundane request - with all these fun activities and camps coming up we're going to need to know if your Unit has developed a sudden allergy to washing up liquid, needs to be fed their body weight in s'mores before bed or has a new phone management plan. Please therefore can you take a few minutes at check your Unit's Operoo profile, click
to update all the details and help us keep your Unit safe.
See you Thursday Units
Stuart, Jacinta, Jason and soon Will
4th Kew Scouts


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