Fwd: Scouts 12th October and Term Four Plan

Hello Units!

And welcome to Term 4 – Your continued adventures in the world of Scouting.

This term your good ‘ole unit council have dang well gone and got their fluffy little heads together like the cohesive leadership machine they are and cooked you up a veritable jambalaya of activities for the rest of your scouting year.

This cornucopia of delights to dellect and amaze starts on your favorite night of the week, Thursday; yep, be still my beating heart that be tomorrow!

And in a change of theme, while usually the first night back is a “Feed the local insect life whilst trying not to burn water on a Trangia” night, Audrey and Maddie will be organizing a talent night (BYO talent)...

What’s that you say? Now’s your chance to show off your “Saw a sibling in half” trick? Hmm best wait ‘til they get their stiches out first.

This is however your chance to marvel at your fellow unit’s creativity and hidden depths, whilst wowing the throng with your own secret skill. Or to stare at your shoes while shuffling awkwardly. Just remember, we all have a hidden talent, even if it’s just a talent for hiding!

For the rest of the program please refer to your handy-dandy pictorial guide to Term 4 attached here at no cost to yourselves…. Print it out and whack it on the fridge so when someone asks, “What’s happening tonight at Scouts?” they can be just as confused as you.

Finally as this Term rolls on we’ll also have some big announcements to, erm, announce. Some important notices for you to notice and, well, some tricky question for you to question.

But all this in good time.

I'd also ask any of you Units and your PA (Parental Assistants) who are available this Saturday to support our fundraising efforts whilst greasing the wheels of democracy (with sausage fat). Please help us out at Kew East Primary cooking democracy sausages to the suffrage masses by volunteering your services in a free slot at:


Any questions on the program, or indeed any of this nonsense or subsequent nonsense which may ensue, don't hesitate to ask.

Looking forward to seeing you crazy units once again.

Your not so talented Scout Leaders,

Jason and Stuart


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