Scout Hike 2023

Well hello potential and confirmed sprout hikers!
To squeeze in a loverly extra gajillion points patrols for sprouthike 23 need to be registered tout suite.
Sooo to this end, and tangled in a mess of emails about Camberhike and rafting I have;
Kew Hares (Competitive Patrol)
Emma Henderson
Madelaine Bates
Jeremy Lewis
Kew Tortoises (Learner Patrol)
Emil Russel
Iriye Theinschnack
Josie De Vere Gould
Fraser Sue
First point of business - if you've asked to register and I've missed you, sorry, let me know! If your name is above and you know nothing about it, let me know!
Second point of business - what is Scouthike!?
Scouthike is an annual, state-wide hiking event for around 1200 scouts. It is held within Tallarook State Forest on Friday 19th – 21th May.
Patrols plan and plot their way through the route, winning points for challenges, doing fun activities and generally proving to themselves how awesome they can be. Competitive patrols have to plan, navigate, cook and camp under their own steam (with back up if they really bust their boilers). Learner patrols need to plan, navigate, cook and camp under their own steam with a leader toddling along behind them asking useful questions like "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" - you know the drill.
Branch First Aid, 4x4 and Radio teams work together with Rovers, ventures and other leaders to make sure no scout is left behind (well apart from the spare), and everybody has fun.
Cost will be $70 per head for all Scouts. This covers cost of bus transport to and from the hike area, pennants for each Patrol, badges for each person involved, toilets, drinking water, as well as administration costs. Patrols will also need to purchase food and snacks for their trip (as they need to haul everything - the planning permission for the Macca's drive through got turned down).
We can put up to seven units in a patrol so there's still plenty room for joggers and those who just want to get the job done.
Jason and Stuart
4th Kew Sproutwranglers 


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