Fwd: Scout’s 23rd March

Oh Units and their PAs it's that time of the week again where I confuse you with the aim of informing you....

Sooo what's 'appening this week I hear you mumble?

23rd March: Callum

Wheely good

ð          A working bike.

ð          No really, one that has pumped up tires and everything.

ð          Lights for your bike, or at the very least a head torch.

ð          A helmet

ð          A snack

ð          A bottle of water

ð          Insect repellent (unless you can peddle really really fast)

ð          Two parent helpers (no, not everyone – that would just be weird)


Remember that ole bit of joy?
Soooo, yes - bring your wheels, and it would be great if we could get a couple of PAs (Parental Assistants) to dig out the stragglers when we get off track on the single tracks...
AND REMEMBER IT GETS DARK - no really, you'll need a bike light or head torch at the very least.
In other bee's knees
Scout Hike (no not Camberwell Hike), think about it, wake up in a cold sweat at midnight with FOMO, scream "ME ME I want to be a hiking sprout!" go back to sleep confused...
It goes May 19th to May 21st and you'll be questing about Tallarook Forest, taking part in fun activities, cooking for yourself over the camp fire and being awesome. The cost is $70 per head  plus food costs (plus you'll get 100 Bonus Points, if you sign before 2nd April). Cost covers bus transport to and from the hike area, pennants for each Patrol, badges for each person involved, toilets, drinking water, as well as administration costs. Etc.
We're almost across the line with a patrol who plan to sprint it like deranged hares (with deranged hair perhaps) but a patrol who plan to stroll through smelling the wombats and generally beating the hares (when they sleep in) would be awesome too. Ask yourself, "can I put one foot in front of the other without getting confused?" if the answers No, then do we have an SIA opportunity for you...
Camberwell Showtime
Venturers and Rovers have a special opportunity to learn while having fun with friends old and new.
Scout and Guide members aged 15 and over on Opening Night, Friday August 4, are eligible to join the Camberwell Showtime 
Applications for cast and crew are due on Friday April 21 and we should have someone sneaking by next week to press gang units to the cast. Oh just ask Fraiser, Scout, et al how much fun it was...
With two weeks of scouting madness left its also time to think about what we want to get into next term. We've got some ideas but this is your show so let us know!
Enjoy your week and wheel see you wheely soon!
Jason, Stuart
4th Kew Scouts


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