
Showing posts from October, 2024

Scouts 10th October (2024)

UNITs!   Yes you folks... I know I know, you're just wrapping your heads around how you managed to sleep through an entire term holiday and find yourself back at school, without finishing that homework project on why Echidna's make rubbish ballon animals...   The struggle is real...   On the plus side, if you've been "blessed" with a leadership role at our belov'd 4th Kew it's time to get your thinking caps on 'cause its Unit Council...   For those not in the know this is where us adult leader types bribe our PLs and APLs with junk food to do the term planning for you (I might be paraphrasing there from the training module on "The Scout Method").   So PLs and APLs ONLY can you please come along brim full of cool ideas this Thursday the 10th to cram our last term of the year with awesome activities that would make even BP himself go "Dang, fo-shizzle, ah wish I was a young blood more time, dang" or something like