
Showing posts from October, 2024

Halloween Fun 31st October

Units,   Why are you looking so nervous?   Tomorrow night is All Hallows' eve, a night upon which supernatural beings are said to be abroad and could be imitated or warded off by human wanderers, either that or where you're actually encouraged to take sweets from strangers... The horror...   So our very own spooksters Coops and Olivia ('wait? what?' you hear them wail) are organising a night of spooky fun, Halloween games and vegetable torture ("but I ate dinner before" I hear you wail).    We tried to do something more cultural and educational like visit our local cemetery, but everybody was too scared...    So please: feel free to dress for the occasion - yes I know some nights your uniform is a horror show but this night you can try something more on topic bring your favorite scary story to share around the fire (when it gets dark) try and not eat all the sweets you've hoovered up from the neighbourhood, before you ar...

Fwd: 4th Kew 4th Term Plan

Units!   It's that time of the term again when you get to find out what shivering nonsense your belov'd unit council has cooked up for us this time.   Thats right, just as your fridge was starting to look dull, your family planner seem boring, your vision board uninspiring or your hamster's cage dirty it's time for your handy dandy term four plan...   In a herculean effort of planning over an arduous half hour of rumbling tummies your unit council have conspired to meet all your SPICES needs as a growing scout, and take you to the beach. There was also something in the small print about reserving the right to substitute, no performance guarantee, something or other, who reads the small print anyway?!   Anyway, attached your plan is.   This term, in addition to Scouting fun there will be activities centered around Jamboree, including the dreaded "Fit all our camping gear in a small wooden box", a Pre-Jam camp that attendees need to, erm, att...

Scouts 10th October (2024)

UNITs!   Yes you folks... I know I know, you're just wrapping your heads around how you managed to sleep through an entire term holiday and find yourself back at school, without finishing that homework project on why Echidna's make rubbish ballon animals...   The struggle is real...   On the plus side, if you've been "blessed" with a leadership role at our belov'd 4th Kew it's time to get your thinking caps on 'cause its Unit Council...   For those not in the know this is where us adult leader types bribe our PLs and APLs with junk food to do the term planning for you (I might be paraphrasing there from the training module on "The Scout Method").   So PLs and APLs ONLY can you please come along brim full of cool ideas this Thursday the 10th to cram our last term of the year with awesome activities that would make even BP himself go "Dang, fo-shizzle, ah wish I was a young blood more time, dang" or something like ...