
Fwd: 4th Kew 4th Term Plan

Units!   It's that time of the term again when you get to find out what shivering nonsense your belov'd unit council has cooked up for us this time.   Thats right, just as your fridge was starting to look dull, your family planner seem boring, your vision board uninspiring or your hamster's cage dirty it's time for your handy dandy term four plan...   In a herculean effort of planning over an arduous half hour of rumbling tummies your unit council have conspired to meet all your SPICES needs as a growing scout, and take you to the beach. There was also something in the small print about reserving the right to substitute, no performance guarantee, something or other, who reads the small print anyway?!   Anyway, attached your plan is.   This term, in addition to Scouting fun there will be activities centered around Jamboree, including the dreaded "Fit all our camping gear in a small wooden box", a Pre-Jam camp that attendees need to, erm, att

Scouts 10th October (2024)

UNITs!   Yes you folks... I know I know, you're just wrapping your heads around how you managed to sleep through an entire term holiday and find yourself back at school, without finishing that homework project on why Echidna's make rubbish ballon animals...   The struggle is real...   On the plus side, if you've been "blessed" with a leadership role at our belov'd 4th Kew it's time to get your thinking caps on 'cause its Unit Council...   For those not in the know this is where us adult leader types bribe our PLs and APLs with junk food to do the term planning for you (I might be paraphrasing there from the training module on "The Scout Method").   So PLs and APLs ONLY can you please come along brim full of cool ideas this Thursday the 10th to cram our last term of the year with awesome activities that would make even BP himself go "Dang, fo-shizzle, ah wish I was a young blood more time, dang" or something like

Scouts 12th September

Well Hallo There Units!   Some of you might be asking what on earth we're up tonight - that would indeed be a great question....   If you checked out the handy dandy Term planner, you'd note that, aside from not needing to bring your Mystery Machine, we were a little light on details.   Well never fear - in true Scouting fashion our fearless PL Jade has a plan, a bigly good plan which involves first aid... Not sure I like the sound of that. Nevertheless, she's reassured me that whilst the demonstrations will be convincing the paperwork that results will be minimal.   So tonight bring your best sense of drama, leave your panic and queasiness at home and come ready to learn something new and messy...   Oh and on the subject of messy we are having a dignitary attend tonight so please: uniform, off the floor and onto you, including your scarf, you know that black and green thing you last saw down the back of the bed. Let's at least look like we know what

Scouts 5th September

Hey Scouts! This week on Thursday we will be trying to recreate the Big Mac! Key word: trying. You need to be at the scout all at 7! No later! If you can't make it by at least 7:15, we will at Coles and will be back at around 8. We will be in patrols and you need to bring $2 each. (so it will make around $10 per patrol to by the ingredients) Whatever patrol makes the best Big Mac burger wins and will receive prizes. From your scout leaders: Will, Jacinta, Stuart and Jason Plus Claudia, Josie and Chloe.            

Your help needed - Sausage Sizzle at Electrify Boroondara Expo - September 8

Are you a Scout or Venturer, or do you have one close by? If so, sign them or yourself up to a slot in the sausage sizzle below. You can signup for a shift here: Thank you to everyone that has put themselves down already. I know some scouts might just turn up on the day - however, I need to have committed help for each shift, otherwise we can't go ahead. This will be a day to represent Scouts at a community event and to make a volunteer contribution to fund raising, both of which are core parts of being a scout. Ideally, we will have 2-3 scouts and one adult for each shift. We will also need help in setup and packup. If we have enough help we can also sell egg and bacon rolls, which will make you very popular. thanks, Bryn On 2024-08-08 15:56, Bryn Lewis wrote: Hi Everyone 4th Kew Scouts will be holding a sausage sizzle and egg and bacon roll stall at the Electrify Boroondara Expo, on Sunday Sept 8. We will need help all da

Scout night plan 31st July

Forwarding a message from our master of ceremonies/chaos Emil.    Nice planning Emil! It's got everything: dreams drama, a sense of foreboding, just what we expect...   For the TL;DNR please   We will meet at the IKEA entrance of Vic gardens at 7pm NOT at the hall.    Pick up will be from the HALL at 9pm (unless we all get lost in IKEA).   A good time will be had, we will not bring shame upon our unit.    Oh and please remember to Wear Your Uniform. It'll help them find you in Smàland and remind you that shame shall not be brought...   See you tomorrow scouts Yours Ëmil, Jacinta, Will, Stuart, Jason From: Emil Russell   Here's the plan for scouts this week. We will meet at the Ikea entrance of Victoria Gardens where we will give a quick briefing and hand out the scavenger hunt lists. I will then send out everyone all around Victoria Gardens in patrols. We will then meet back at the entrance of Ikea at 8:15 then we will

4th Kew Scouts Term Three Plan

We're back! And this time we're right into it as our plucky unit council did their unit counselling last term, gaud bless their little cotton socks...   So, for the adornment and general decoration of your fridge/notice board/butler's clipboard or hamster's cage please find attached your handy dandy guide to Term Three at 4th Kew.   We've lots planned, some things not planned and two camps a foot.   Jacinta's cooking up a cool beans trip to French Island, by public transport no less.   Then we've CAMP100, a big district camp and a great opportunity to get those nights under canvas in preparation for AJ2025.   There'll be more information to come, and some of it might even make sense.   We hope you had a great winter break; you've maybe cooked up some adventurous journey plans or a wee SIA in your down time and are ready to get back into it.   See you ALL, this Thursday 18th.   Jacinta, Will, Jason and Stuart 4th Ke